Getting to Anclote Key & Lighthouse

Anclote Key is located three miles offshore (see map below).  A boat is required to get to there; no causeways or roadways exist.  If you have a boat,  the closest launch is Anclote River Park for motor boats and Fred Howard Park for canoes and kayaks. 

There are no public docks on Anclote Key.  Boaters must anchor offshore or beach their boats.  The dock near the lighthouse is for official state park use only.  Public use of this dock is not permitted.    

Our group is working hard to provide a ferry service to the lighthouse.  This is a daunting task requiring miles of red tape and permitting.  Please be patient!

If you do not have a boat, you may be interested in renting a boat or hiring a boat and captain.  Here are a few businesses who provide these services:


The following tour boats provide access to the island but NOT the lighthouse:

Ferry service from the Sponge Docks to the South part of the island

Ferry service from New Port Richey to the North part of the island:

If you plan to visit the lighthouse, you may do so at any time.  A boardwalk leads from a lagoon on the south end of Anclote Key to the lighthouse.  The boardwalk takes you to about 20 feet from the lighthouse where it is enclosed by a chain link fence.  The lighthouse is open for climbing the second weekend of each month Oct-May.  See the Lighthouse Open House page on this website for more information.  

Please remember!  Dogs are NOT permitted on any of the islands of Anclote Key and Three Rooker.  These islands are completely natural and designated as wildlife sanctuaries.  Dogs are allowed on North Bar on six-foot leashes and Dog Beach at Honeymoon Island.

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